Thursday, July 31, 2014

{Sister Halverson}

Sister Alexandria Halverson has been called to serve in the Indiana, Indianapolis Mission! She reports to the MTC August 27, 2014. I am so thrilled my little sister has chosen to serve the Lord! She will be absolutely amazing. And the cutest sister out there! This girl has such a bright smile and sweet spirit...not to mention her DARLING wardrobe! I am so glad she had me do her hair and makeup for her shoot with the ever-so-talented Kerry Horrocks! Although, I don't know if she really had a choice! 

Alli, Indiana is so lucky to have you for a year and a half and I am going to miss your sassy butt but I am sure grateful for your service and your faithfulness in the Gospel. We are so proud to be your family and love you more than you know! Chow for now little lady! 

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